DJ Derrick D

Arkansas’ Best DJ


  The premier DJ service in Northwest Arkansas & surrounding areas.

We offer premium deejay, sound, photo booth and lighting services for weddings, sports events, corporate events & more


Sports and Events

The Razorback DJ

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Known as The Razorback DJ & The Team

Elevate every game, tailgate, and campus event with an atmosphere that gets everyone cheering for your team.

No matter what you're celebrating or cheering for, DJ Derrick and the team are here to make it unforgettable! As one of Arkansas's top DJ companies, we have the know-how to match you with the perfect DJ for your sporting events and all of lifes events.

Join a tradition that entertains and builds camaraderie among fans


Wedding & EVents

Arkansas Weddings to SEC Games and Galas


You name it, we bring it.

If we can't make you dance you’re dead...and we'd still give it a shot if that were the case.


